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Avoid These: Prohibited Data Collection in Google Analytics

Google Analytics, a widely used web analytics service, provides valuable insights into website performance and user behavior. However, it is important for website owners and digital marketers to be aware of the data collection policies and restrictions set by Google Analytics. Prohibited data collection, such as personally identifiable information (PII), can lead to account suspension or termination. In this blog, we will explore the topic of prohibited data collection in Google Analytics, its implications on user privacy, and how to ensure data privacy and compliance.

Understanding Google Analytics Data Collection

Google Analytics collects data through various methods, such as first-party cookies and advertising identifiers. First-party cookies are small text files that are stored on a user’s device when they visit a website. These cookies allow Google Analytics to track user sessions, interactions, and other user-centric data, providing valuable analytics data to website owners. Advertising identifiers, such as Google Advertising ID, are important for tracking user engagement with ads and marketing campaigns, enabling businesses to measure ad performance, user interactions, and attribution across digital marketing channels.

Role of First-party cookies

First-party cookies play a crucial role in data collection for Google Analytics. They store user information such as user behavior and preferences, allowing website owners to understand user engagement and behavior. These cookies help track user sessions, interactions, and other user-centric data, providing valuable analytics data. By analyzing this data, businesses can make informed decisions to improve website performance, user experience, and marketing strategies.

The use of first-party cookies is compliant with data privacy regulations, as they do not collect personally identifiable information (PII) by default. Instead, they collect anonymous data, such as user interactions, page views, and referral sources. This ensures user data security and privacy while providing insightful analytics for website owners.

Importance of Advertising identifiers

Advertising identifiers, such as Google Advertising ID, are essential for tracking user engagement with ads and marketing campaigns. These identifiers allow businesses to measure ad performance, user interactions, and attribution across various digital marketing channels.

By using advertising identifiers, website owners can deliver personalized ads based on user behavior, enhancing marketing effectiveness. These identifiers enable businesses to analyze user engagement with ads, track conversions, and optimize marketing campaigns for better results. Adherence to advertising identifier policies and best practices is crucial for responsible data collection and usage, ensuring user privacy while delivering targeted ads.

Prohibited Data in Google Analytics

While Google Analytics provides valuable insights, there are certain types of data that are prohibited from being collected due to user privacy concerns. In accordance with Google Analytics’ terms of service, personally identifiable information (PII) should not be collected. PII includes sensitive data such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, or any information that can identify a particular person.

It is important for website owners and digital marketers to understand these restrictions and comply with them to protect user privacy and avoid account suspension or termination.

PII prohibition Explained

Personally identifiable information (PII) is sensitive data that can directly or indirectly identify an individual. Google Analytics strictly prohibits the collection of PII to protect user privacy. Examples of PII include full name, email address, home address, phone number, social security number, credit card details, or any information that can be used to personally identify an individual.

Website owners and digital marketers must be cautious to prevent the accidental collection of PII through forms or tracking codes. Regular review of website data collection practices is essential to ensure compliance with Google Analytics’ terms of service.

Violations of the PII prohibition can have serious consequences, such as account suspension or termination. To avoid collecting PII, website owners can use anonymous identifiers or implement opt-in consent forms to collect user data without compromising user privacy.

Product linking summary

Product linking is a feature in Google Analytics that allows users to link their Google Analytics account with other Google products, such as Google Ads. This integration provides additional data and insights for analysis.

However, it is important to note that certain types of data are prohibited from being collected through product linking. These include personally identifiable information (PII) and other sensitive information such as personal health information or financial information.

It is crucial for businesses to understand and comply with these data collection restrictions to prevent account suspension or termination. Regular review of data collection practices and implementation of best practices are recommended to ensure compliance with Google Analytics’ terms of service.

Ensuring Data Privacy and Compliance

Maintaining user privacy and complying with data privacy regulations is of utmost importance when using Google Analytics or any analytics service. By adhering to data privacy best practices, website owners can ensure that user data is handled responsibly and securely.

Data sharing rules

Google Analytics customers and website owners have a responsibility to protect user privacy by following data sharing rules. It is important to consider user privacy when sharing data with third parties, such as analytics service providers or marketing partners.

Data centers where user data is stored and processed should adhere to strict security measures to safeguard user privacy. Encrypting data during transmission and ensuring user consent for data collection and usage are important steps to maintain user privacy.

Data retention guidelines

Google Analytics has data retention guidelines that website owners must follow. User IDs, which can be used to identify a particular user, must only be collected with proper user consent. Retaining user data, such as IP addresses or mobile phone identifiers, must comply with data privacy regulations.

Regular data deletion practices should be implemented to remove user data after the specified retention period to protect user privacy. Adhering to data retention guidelines helps website owners maintain user privacy and comply with data privacy regulations.

Handling User Data

Website owners and digital marketers must handle user data responsibly to ensure data privacy and security. Understanding how to properly handle user data is crucial in compliance with data privacy regulations.

User deletion process

The user deletion process in Google Analytics allows website owners to comply with privacy regulations and manage user data effectively. By understanding and implementing the user deletion process, website owners can delete user data as required, ensuring data privacy and security.

User-level data access and portability

Ensuring user-level data access and portability is essential in data privacy compliance. Adhering to data privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), website owners must provide users with access to their personal data and the option to export it if needed.

Implementing best practices for user-level data access and portability helps website owners protect user privacy and comply with data privacy regulations.

Certifications for Google Analytics

Google Analytics offers certifications that demonstrate expertise in web analytics and data privacy practices. These certifications showcase knowledge of best practices, data collection policies, and privacy compliance.

Relevance of certifications

Certifications in Google Analytics, such as the Google Analytics certification and Google Tag Manager certification, are relevant for professionals in the digital marketing industry. They demonstrate knowledge and understanding of data collection policies, privacy compliance, and best practices.

By obtaining these certifications, professionals can enhance their credibility, demonstrate expertise, and adhere to data privacy regulations while using Google Analytics.

Avoiding PII Collection in Google Analytics

Avoiding the collection of personally identifiable information (PII) is crucial for data privacy and compliance in Google Analytics.

Techniques to avoid PII collection

There are techniques that website owners and digital marketers can employ to avoid collecting PII in Google Analytics. Some of these techniques include:

  • Using URL parameters, such as query parameters, effectively to exclude personal information from being collected.
  • Implementing regular expressions (regex) to exclude PII from being collected in URLs or page titles.
  • Training employees on proper data collection and handling procedures to prevent accidental collection of PII.
  • Regularly reviewing and updating policies and procedures to ensure compliance with privacy laws and regulations.
  • Implementing these techniques, along with data privacy best practices, helps website owners maintain user privacy and avoid account suspension or termination.

Managing Data Risks in Google Analytics

Managing data risks in Google Analytics is important to protect personal information and ensure compliance with data privacy regulations. This includes:

  • Understanding what data is prohibited, such as personally identifiable information, and taking steps to prevent its collection.
  • Implementing proper data collection policies and procedures to prevent data breaches and ensure compliance with privacy regulations.
  • Utilizing Google Analytics’ data retention controls to limit the storage of user data and ensure proper data deletion.
  • Regularly reviewing and monitoring data collection practices to identify and address potential risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Working with data privacy professionals or legal experts to ensure compliance with applicable privacy laws and regulations.
  • By managing data risks effectively, website owners can protect user privacy, maintain data security, and comply with data privacy regulations.

Is there a better alternative to Google Analytics?

While Google Analytics is a widely used analytics platform, some businesses may be looking for alternatives that prioritize data privacy and user security.


To summarize, Google Analytics is a powerful tool for tracking and analyzing website data, but it is crucial to understand and adhere to its data collection policies. First-party cookies and advertising identifiers play a significant role in collecting data accurately and ethically. Prohibited data, such as personally identifiable information (PII), should never be collected or linked with Google Analytics. It is essential to prioritize data privacy and compliance by following data sharing rules and data retention guidelines.

When handling user data, ensure proper deletion processes and provide user-level data access and portability. Certifications in Google Analytics can enhance your understanding and credibility in using the platform. To avoid PII collection in Google Analytics, employ techniques like data masking and anonymization. Lastly, consider alternative analytics platforms if you have specific data privacy concerns. In conclusion, by adhering to Google Analytics’ data collection policies, prioritizing data privacy, and exploring alternative options when necessary, you can effectively track and analyze website data while maintaining user trust and compliance with regulations.


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